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Roihupelto campus

Roihupelto campus

Kiinteistö Oy Helsingin Toimitilat and Lujatalo Oy have signed agreements concerning the design, implementation and 20-year maintenance responsibility of the Roihupelto life cycle project for Stadin Ammatti- ja aikuisopisto.

The new campus will be the fifth educational institution in Helsinki to be implemented under the life-cycle model. Life-cycle projects play a key role in Helsinki’s facilities strategy, as they offer a safer and more cost-effective investment, budgeting certainty and reliable maintenance. The Roihupello life-cycle project saved €55 million in relation to the contract price of the project design and the cost of maintenance at the price level at the time of the tender. In addition, the city has contractually transferred to Lujatalo the design, construction, maintenance and availability risks that have a significant value to the city during the contract period. The total price of the contract (including the building works, the finishing works, the 20-year building services, the user services, the cleaning services, the calculated energy costs and the PTS measures) amounts to EUR 193 517 059. This is the largest life-cycle project in Finland to date.

CAPEX Advisors acted as advisor to the City of Helsinki in the procurement process, with responsibility for project management of the life-cycle procurement, financial expertise, design guidance management and, together with Ramboll, technical expertise. Krogerus acted as legal expert.

Arja Törmä, Project Director of the City of Helsinki, describes the cooperation with the CAPEX team: “The CAPEX team enabled a smooth procurement process and an overall successful outcome in what was a very challenging and important project for the city from an operational needs perspective.”

CAPEX Advisors will also participate in the further planning phase of the project as an advisor to the city. Kimmo Niemi, CAPEX Technical Director, explains the progress of the project. In the tendering phase, already advanced designs are further finalised in close cooperation with the users, ensuring that the facilities meet their functional needs in the best possible way.”

The Roihupello campus will replace and bring together educational institutions under one roof

The new Roihupelto campus on Holkkitie will bring together under one roof the facilities that currently operate in six different locations, which are no longer sufficient for the growing number of students and do not meet the needs of modern education. The new modern teaching facilities will allow for a new kind of collaboration between students studying different degrees. With a capacity for 3,000 students in local education, the building, which will measure around 44,000 gross square metres, will be one of the largest building projects in Helsinki in the coming years.

Of the current degrees at the Stad Vocational and Adult Education Centre, the campus will house training and services in mechanical and production engineering, ICT, electrical engineering and automation, woodworking, surveying, engineering design, arts and crafts, cleaning and property services, surface treatment, security, logistics, some social and health care, as well as TUVA training, youth workshops and the immigrant skills centre. The premises also offer vocational and professional qualifications and short training courses for adults.

Lujatalo is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of a wide range of activities

The service provider Lujatalo Oy is responsible for the design and construction, maintenance and availability of the facilities during the 20-year service period and for the agreed handover condition at the end of the contract period. Construction will start with demolition work in summer 2022 and the facilities will be completed in December 2025, with the facilities to be ready for use in January 2026.

The new building will be designed and implemented to meet Helsinki’s carbon neutrality targets. The campus will be built in a resource-wise way. Its carbon footprint will be at least 10% lower than the baseline. The building will have an E-factor of 64 kWh/m2 and will include, among other things, the third largest geothermal power plant in Finland.

Kimmo Niemi, Technical Director kimmo.j.niemi@capexadvisors.fi

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